Product Description
Intelligent gloss meter, also known as light meter, is designed and produced in accordance with international standards ISO2813, foreign standards ASTMD523, DIN67530 and national standards GB9754, GB9966, GB/T13891, all technologies meet the requirements of JJG696-2002 "Mirror Gloss Meter and Gloss Plate" in the identification specification of a working machine.
Smart gloss meters are mainly used for:
1. Automotive, home appliances, musical instruments, furniture and other industries: Plastic, paint, coating surface gloss measurement.
2. Construction, decoration and other industries: floor, marble, granite, ceramic tile, ceramic surface gloss measurement.
3. Printing, packaging and other industries: measuring the surface gloss of ink and paper.
4. Other industries require the measurement of surface gloss.
How to use: After turning it on, place the bottom of the gloss meter directly on the surface of the object to be measured, and the gloss of the surface of the object can be automatically measured.